Long time ago, a famous art gallery declared a painting contest. The contest was to create the most peaceful painting. It was announced that the painter who makes the most peaceful painting will get 10 million dollars as a prize.
The Contest Theme – “Peace”
Thousands of artists came forward to participate and win the contest. After going through all the paintings, judges shortlisted hundred paintings. They decided to display them in an exhibition in the art gallery. They informed the artists’ whose works were selected. They were excited to see their paintings being displayed.
Lot of people and the media gathered to see the exhibition. They were eager to know which particular painting will be getting selected and who is that painter who will get 10 million dollars, which such a large sum of money.
Theme In Painting
One could see huge crowds being gathered around a few paintings. One such painting was a beautiful creation with a clear blue river, snow-filled mountains and sun rising from behind.
There was another interesting painting where the painter tried to depict peace through a full moon night. A peaceful still lake, twinkling stars in the dark sky and a beautiful full moon.
There was a crowd around another painting too which had beautiful green grass, blue sky and snow white clouds. The theme was very much visible in that painting too.
It was a delight to see all those paintings that calmed everyone’s mind and brought peace.
The Result
The clock was ticking. Finally, it was time to announce the winner. All paintings were competing, one better than the other. It was extremely tough for the judges to decide. Judges had to make up their minds at last. They kept one painting behind a huge curtain.
All artists, media and thousands of people were curious to know whose painting got selected, which painting is behind the curtain. The prize amount was very big.
Then, as soon as the curtains were pulled, everyone was surprised to see the painting displayed there. The audience couldn’t understand why that particular painting was selected. People couldn’t find any element of peace in that painting. They thought the judges have made some mistake or organizers have kept the wrong painting.
The Reactions
Then a few artists went to the art gallery owner and asked, “Why did that painting get selected? Did you keep that there by mistake?”
The owner of the art gallery smiled and said, “No. We have kept the right painting. Judges selected this painting and this wins the prize”. All artists were angry and they revolted.
Media gathered around the art gallery owner and asked him. He smiled and told them, “Before you ask all the questions, please observe the painting. You all saw dark clouds, strange winds and lightning in this picture. But you did not see the small house in the painting. There is a small window in that house where a man is standing. See it closely. The man is looking outside at the dark clouds and the scary winds. We expect him to be anxious and worried. But as you see his face closely, you will see that he has a smile on his face. He is not scared. He is content and he is at peace.”

Moral – What Is Peace?
Peace is not when everything around us is peaceful, and our mind is not. Real peace is when our mind is at peace even when the situations around us are not.
If one’s mind is not at peace, even if you take that person and make him or her sit at a beautiful place, he will be sad there too. But we need to learn to bring our mind to such a calm status even when surrounded by troubles and feel the real meaning of peace.
Hope this story motivates one to understand and achieve peace in their lives.
Inspiring & thought provoking story